Quick Guide
Installing VirtualTreeNavigator couldn't be simpler. Simply extract the contents of the archive you
downloaded and copy them into a folder. VirtualTreeNavigator will use that directory for it's own configuration files
and you can place your taxonomy descriptors anywhere else. You can also
put the Taxonomy descriptors under source control and share them with your whole development team.
Creating your first taxonomy definition
Go to the Taxonomy Definition Editor tab and start writing your first taxonomy definition,
use the tutorial or load any of
VirtualTreeNavigator's example definitions.
Press Ctrl-F9 or choose Tools -> Parse Taxonomy Definition from the menu to test that your XML and
the definition of the taxonomy is valid.
Press F9 or choose Tools -> Build Tree from the menu to create the first level of your tree.
Click on any node of the tree to create its children.
Database Configuration
Before VirtualTreeNavigator can connect to any ADO databases it will ask you for connection credentials. The dialog
is very easy to use and you can store your connections for easy retrieval later. The connection credentials are stored
encrypted on a file on your disk.
Next steps
Learning how to use VirtualTreeNavigator to its full potential is easy and fun. You'll be amazed at how quickly you
can pick up the configuration elements of the XML and create amazing taxonomies using your data. Anything can be
represented as a Tree!